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  • Writer's pictureCegua

Monthly café in July

We open a café on the third Saturday of every month is the day of our cafe event, "Café a la Tica".

A new-comer visits us whilst the old friend come along...

Enjoying Costa Rican coffee and chocolate, we had an endless conversation with wide range of topics...

We read picture book called "Nazuzu Konoppe?" (written by Carson Ellis, translated by Arthur Binard, published by Froebel-kan in 2017), comparing with the original version "Mau Iz Io?". We had a blast!

The entire story is told in the "insect language"! The original work is amazing, but it's also amazing how it's translated in another "insect" language...

If you haven't read it yet, please pick it up!

All three books are in our library and available through the "Librize" system.

The first-time visitors was amazed by our library and experienced to check out some books.

She got her own online library card on the smartphone in a second, and checked them out in the next second, exclaiming "Just amazing!".

Café a la Tica is a monthly regular event which is held every 3rd Saturday. If you would like to participate, please contact us in advance!

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